CPGA Championship Events

Posted by Kathy Hudson on 2 July 2023

Dear all,


We have had a number of enquiries about the eligibility of crew members for CPGA Championship events. Thank you to all those who have asked for clarification.


Until 2023 the General Rules of the CPGA specified that:

6. Movement from one club to another is only permitted once during the rowing season and no changes shall be effective after the 1st August. Written evidence from both clubs is required prior to the date stated.


As of June 2023, the General Rules of the CPGA have been amended to read:

6. Individuals may be members of an unlimited number of clubs.


Also, as of June 2023, the Racing Rules of the CPGA have been amended to include rules 23 and 24, which read: 


23. All CPGA Championship participants must:

  • be GigRower members

  • be competing on behalf of a club of which they are a registered member. 

  • not have transferred between clubs more than once in a season for the purpose of CPGA Championship competitions. Having represented a club at a CPGA Championship, rowers may only transfer to represent one other club at other CPGA Championships at any point in a given year. Once they have represented a second club they may not represent any other club or transfer back to their original club for the purpose of CPGA Championships. No written communication with the CPGA will be required to carry out the transfer. The eligibility of the crew members submitted will be scrutinised by the CPGA staff team via the crew entries submitted for each CPGA Championship event.

  • be accepting of the media consent, medical consent and other terms and conditions of the CPGA


24. To be eligible to compete at CPGA Championships, crews must consist of:

  • eligible participants (as above)

  • the same 7 participants throughout the event  made up of 6 rowers and 1 coxswain

  • the same 7 participants named on the crew submission register, verified by the coxswain on the day of the event

  • an experienced race coxswain with minimum of 2 years experience


To clarify:

Participants in CPGA Championships may represent no more than two clubs at CPGA Championships in a given year. Once a participant has competed on behalf of 'Club A' in a CPGA Championship, they may move to 'Club B', and represent that club for the remainder of the season at Championship competitions. No further changes are permitted after this transfer has taken place. The participant may not represent Club A at further CPGA Championship events.


For the avoidance of doubt, Championship coxes:

  • must be members of any club they represent at CPGA Championships. 

  • should have a minimum of 2 years’ coxing experience. 

  • may represent no more than two clubs at CPGA Championships in a given year. Once a participant has competed on behalf of 'Club A' in a CPGA Championship, they may move to 'Club B', and represent that club for the remainder of the season. No further changes are permitted after this transfer has taken place. The participant may not represent Club A at further CPGA Championship events.


This will requirement will apply for the following 2023 CPGA Championships:

  • 8th July - Vets 

  • 15th July - U16s

  • 29th July-  Mixed 

  • 6th August - U14s

  • 2nd September - Masters

  • 9th/10th September -  Newquay Open Women

  • 23/24 September - Newquay Open Men

  • 30th September - Super Vets


Gig rowing offers many opportunities for rowers to mix and make up scratch crews around the year. However, CPGA Championships are a test of performance based on the breadth and depth of each club. 


To update your club with these developments please review the CPGA Racing Rules which outline the CPGA Championship crew eligibility requirements and also the General Rules of the CPGA.


This rule amendment will be reviewed at the end of the season during October 2023. In the meantime we are keen to secure feedback and thoughts from your club with regards to the recent rule change and any further changes that you would/would not like to see in the future. Please liaise with your club committee to complete this short form.


Thank you for your assistance. 


The CPGA Staff Team

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