Posted by Kathy Hudson on 21 December 2023

Newsletter: Yealm Gig Rowing Club.

December 2023.

As another year has flown by, here is a quick look back on some of the events and news from 2023.

The club has seen a fantastic growth in our junior rowing section, they have had some great results in various races throughout the year, a big thank you to Lizzie and James for their help with this area of the club.

We have had lots of interest in joining the club, with that in mind we have beginners rowing allocated to anyone wishing to try gig rowing. Dates for 2024 will be announced soon.

We have had new covers, boats painted, new radios, lifejackets, defibrillators and we will continue to update and maintain the kit we have going forward, new Junior oars are being collected this week.

As a club we offer a variety of rowing categories now, juniors, beginners, social rowing, open rowing, race training, kitley belles and masters training. Fitting all of these in is a challenge at times but we do want to make sure everyone who wants to can join in and row as much as possible.

We will be moving to a new communication system in 2024 and rows will be planned to accommodate all areas of the club. 

The club has entered various regattas throughout the year, due to the success of our men’s crews we have been allocated a second gig for the world championships in the IOS next year, seeing both Joker and Wasp in the races will be fantastic. 

The club is part of the Southwest Winter League, giving us an opportunity to race against other clubs pre the IOS. As we cannot host a large event Beth and other committee members are hoping we can organise a fun mini regatta inviting clubs to join us for some racing in the river next spring. Watch this space!

The club has had great fun attending the races, we are the loudest supporters, everyone is always grateful for Sue’s cakes after a race. A big thank you to Sue who also fund raises for the club selling her cakes. We also have our newest youngest supporter baby Theo Maguire.

We also became a charity, thank you Owen for all your hard work behind the scenes and this will improve club fund raising opportunities going forward.

Beth and Mairead organised a superb Xmas Party and it was lovely to see the juniors attend and enjoy the celebration.

Overall, a great year to look back on, how lucky we are to row in the Yealm.

Finally, a big thank you to the committee, coxswain, race captains and others who support Yealm Gig Rowing Club.

The committee would like to wish you all a very Happy Xmas and here is to a successful 2024.

Best wishes Kathy




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