CPGA proposed funding changes

Posted by Owen Moore on 31 January 2021

The chairman has written this:

The CPGA has produced proposals to levy an additional £30 per person to fund setting up a paid staff including a Chief executive, administrator and several other paid staff.  They will be arranging a meeting at which I will have to represent the views of the Club.  I expect that they will table a motion to accept or reject the plan.  I think there could be a middle way, with a part-time administrator to help the honorary officials, for £10 a head.  We could submit an amendment at, or in advance of, the meeting.
We need to discuss it among ourselves and the wider membership of YGRC.  I am not sure if we have a mailing list for the entire membership.

There's a presentation but it's too large to put on the website.  It should be accessible by following this link.


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