Updated CPGA Proposal

Posted by Owen Moore on 31 August 2021

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CPGA Strategy ‘Our Sport - Our Community’ Proposal – July 2021  


The CPGA Committee has reflected on the feedback provided by clubs and individuals during the valuable consultation activities that took place during the Spring. Whilst the aims of the strategy remain broadly unchanged we have amended the membership model previously proposed. The changes mean that some of the aspirations outlined in the strategy will take longer to achieve and some planned activities will not be achievable within five years. Some of the posts previously outlined will not be supported by the new proposed model. Nonetheless the new model will secure the sport for the future and this is our priority.
We drew on the feedback from individuals and clubs to create a strategy that gets important things done. 46.8% of our community survey respondents (1000 people participated) were willing to pay an individual membership of £30. Comments from many individuals and also club representatives stated that they did want to see changes to the way the sport was run and delivered. We are committed to developing a strategy that honours their aspirations.
Equally though, we considered the views of those who had concerns about the ambitious nature of the strategy. 38.9% of our community survey respondents were not willing to pay an individual membership of £30. Some of these, along with club representatives, were worried that the plans outlined were ‘too much, too soon’. They also had concerns about the affordability of the sport for social rowers and more casual participants, particularly in light of membership uncertainties due to the covid pandemic. We are committed to ensuring that the revised strategy addresses these concerns.
The comments section of the community survey proved a striking reminder that members of our rowing community hold a diverse range of aspirations and opinions about the future of gig rowing. Despite differing views, many agreed that the CPGA cannot stand still at a time of continuing growth for the sport. The aim of this consultation is to work with our community to create a strategy that balances these contrasting aspirations and ensure that gig rowing is secured for our communities to enjoy both now and for generations to come.
The revised proposals are being circulated to clubs and shared with the wider membership. Your club representative is invited to attend a whole sport session via Zoom on Wednesday 8th September at 7.30pm to ask questions and share feedback on your behalf. After this event it is our intention to draw on the questions and feedback to shape up proposals for a membership vote at an EGM via Zoom to be held on October 17th.
We encourage all clubs to consider how they will facilitate the engagement of club committees and their wider membership with these proposals prior to the EGM. We remind you that the club member selected to represent the club at the EGM should be given a clear mandate to vote on behalf on their club. Votes will be collected during the EGM.

CPGA Strategy Proposals – July 2021

Both of the following proposals are being put forward for your consideration. The activities outlined in each proposal are based upon the acceptance of both proposals by the membership.
Proposal 1) Club membership to change from a flat rate on £200 per club to £5 per active member*.
This proposal addresses the following feedback from our rowing community:
  • it would be fairer if club fees were proportionate to the size of the club
- some small clubs will pay less than they do now (40 x £5 = £200)
  • not everyone can afford increased membership fees
- clubs can manage their own membership rates based on the needs of their community
  • if a fee affects all rowers, clubs should collect those fees so that they can offset the costs to their members or sections of the membership if they so choose.
- it is at the discretion of clubs to decide what and how to charge their members
  • as the sport expands the responsibilities and costs of the CPGA grow
- the per head fee ensures that any growth in participants is matched by a growth in income
  • the CPGA requires a paid administrative role to operate core elements of the sport
- core income from club membership will ensure the security and sustainability of an administrator 
  • when clubs are first established they have small memberships but big start up costs
- a low £5 per head costing benefits smaller and newly forming clubs
  • the impact of the covid pandemic has affected club membership figures and finances
- some small clubs will pay less than they do now
How will it work?
  • Clubs will submit a register of their active rowing members* (including juniors) and make a payment of £5 per rower to the CPGA. The CPGA will allocate each member a number.
  • Registers will be updated quarterly to include new members as they join through the year.
  • Clubs will retain their voting rights as currently held. One vote per club.
*Non-active members will not be charged for instance, non-gigrowers in multi-sport clubs and in-active life members.
  Model calculation Total Income
Current flat rate £200
x 86 clubs
Proposed per head rate £5 per head x average of 60 rowers per club = £300 x 86 clubs £25,800 (to cover core costs and administrator 0.6fte wages and on costs, NIC/pension/ fixed contract)
The income from the Club Membership will be used to cover core costs which include: insurance, legal, data protection, venue hire (AGM) etc.
The income will also be used to recruit and employ an administrator to deliver the core activities of the CPGA.
Administrator responsibilities:
  • Support all governance structures
  • Minuting (all meetings: Trustees, regional structures etc)
  • Documenting, archiving – file management
  • Reporting to Charity Commission
  • Front of house/first point of contact
  • New club enquiries and support
  • Existing club queries
  • Internal and external comms
  • Web and social media content
  • Membership database management
  • Web and social media management
  • File management
  • Archive management
  • Bookings for services including events and courses
  • Recruitment
  • Management
  • Recognition scheme development
  • Awards
  • day to day transactions

Proposal 2) The introduction of an individual membership required for all competitors in participants of CPGA endorsed championship events*.
This proposal addresses the following feedback from our rowing community:
  • not everyone can afford to pay an individual membership
- individual membership is not compulsory for all 
  • a blanket fee seems unfair as some participate more than others
- only those who participate more in competition events need to become individual members. 
  • a membership isn’t a good fit for everyone
- only those who value or require the membership services on offer need apply 
  • a membership offer is a good way to help the sport develop and thrive
- those wishing to make a contribution to the charitable aims of the sport can do so
  • on water race provision is needed
- a professional team will facilitate high quality competitions 
  • new championship and regional race structures are required
- staffing capacity is needed to deliver new structures 
  • the CPGA can no longer be run solely by volunteers and needs managing
- ongoing income from individual membership will ensure the sustainability of a Manager role 
  • clubs request support in particular with welfare, safety, coaching and coxswaining
- once the income from individual membership reaches target levels a Club Support Officer will deliver training and courses
How will it work?
  • Any person wishing to support the CPGA will be able to become an ‘Individual Member’.
  • Any adult (over 18 years of age) participating in CPGA endorsed championship events* will require individual membership.
  • Individuals will apply and make payment direct to the CPGA.
*CPGA endorsed championship events will include existing championships and new/selected championship events consequent to a competition review.
  Model calculation
Total Income
Current individual membership £0 £0
Proposed individual membership £25 per head x 2064 = £51,600
+ 20% gift aid = £10,320
£61,920 (to cover Manager and p/t Club Support Officer wages and on costs, NIC/pension)
The income from the Individual Membership will be used to cover activity costs which include travel and venues to operate the new regional structures, on-water championship provision, external safety and welfare, staff and volunteer expenses.
The income will also be used to recruit and employ a Manager who will oversee the organisation and secure the future of the sport. Also, a part-time Club Support Officer (once target individual membership numbers are met) will be recruited and employed to support clubs with safety, welfare, coaching, coxswaining, competition and other areas of club operations.

Manager responsibilities:
  • Implement governance review recommendations
  • Facilitate all governance structures
  • Oversee all policy development
  • Support regional structures
  • Management and forward planning
  • Reporting to trustees
  • Liaising with accountants
  • Securing investments (sponsors, corporate partners etc)
Whole sport representation
  • Partners
  • External agencies
  • Other sports
  • Campaigns e.g. whole sport recruitment
  • PR and press liaison
  • Broadcast and coverage opportunities
  • Recruitment and induction of staff
  • Ongoing management and appraisals
  • Project development
  • Funding applications - development and submission
  • Oversee project delivery and reporting
  • Management, review and publication of event calendar
  • Development of new calendar events – more racing
  • Racing rule review and update management
  • Oversee regional leagues
  • Oversee championship provision
  • Oversee on quality of on water competition provision

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Charity Number 1166613.
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